Senior Three Graduation Ceremony
In this season of hopes, on the morning of June 6th, Anqing Foreign Language School held a grand graduation ceremony for Senior Three in 2024 in the lecture hall, which is not only a recognition of the graduates' three years of hard work, but also a starting point for them to enter a new stage in their lives, carrying the deep friendship of the teachers and students and the beautiful vision for their future. In attendance were Vice Principal Hu Qilin, Principal Assistant Xu Zuitai, Director Wang Yinchai of the International Department, Deputy Director Xu Haihong and Deputy Director Jiang Shengyou of the Senior High School Division and parent representative Chen Huasheng. The ceremony was presided over by Deputy Director Xu Haihong.
In the first place, teacher representatives Jiang Jing and Hu Ronghua as well as student representatives Wang Cancan from Class 1, Grade 12 and Cao Lechen from Class 6, Grade 12 recited poetry on stage. Teachers and students met in 2021 and said goodbye in 2024. Looking back on the past three years, students shall keep every bit of Anqing Foreign Language School in their best youthful memory! 
In the second place, for three years, the teachers have given all their love to the students. Today the students presented flowers to their beloved teacher to showcase their gratitude. Thus, the atmosphere in the lecture hall was warm.
In the third place, each head teacher in charge of Senior Three delivered their speeches on stage, who sincerely wished every senior three student to succeed in the College Entrance Examination and have a bright future! 
In the fourth place, parent representative Chen Huasheng, the parent of Chen Ming from Class 4, Grade 12, extended his best wishes to the students on behalf of all parents.
In the fifth place, Deputy Director Jiang Shengyou read out the list of senior three students who won the school scholarship in the 2023-2024 academic year, after which the winners took the stage to accept the awards and took photos with school leaders.
In the sixth place, head teachers sent small gifts of love to students, which are exam pens engraved with the school emblem and the names of students. Evidently, this is a lucky pen, representing a blessing, full of expectations. Thus, it's believed that our students would attend the exam with the lucky pens and get excellent results!
In the seventh place, Director Wang Yinchai of the International Department read the graduation document of the Classes of 2024. Later on, school leaders and distinguished guests handed out graduation yearbooks and graduation photos to the students.
In the eighth place, the former head teachers in charge of Senior Three led the students to award the class flags to the upcoming classes of the 12th grade.
Last but not the least, Principal Assistant Xu Zuitai in charge of the Senior High School Division expressed that in the three years of getting along day and night, teachers and students had established a deep friendship. In fact, Anqing Foreign Language School has witnessed the growth and progress of the students. Meanwhile, the students brought more happiness and touching to the school. Furthermore, high school graduation is the starting point of another wonderful life for students. Therefore, each student will bring the school's blessings, go all out, and achieve incredible results! 
In conclusion, all the teachers and students of the Senior High School Division cheered for the youth, witnessing the graduation moment of Senior Three students together! 'Strive hard and win the College Entrance Examination!' The blessings of students from Grade 10 and Grade 11 echoed through the clouds! Evidently, youth is eternal, and struggle is endless. Please believe that Anqing Foreign Language School is with you. More remarkably, our students shall embark on their journey with everyone's best wishes! In a warm atmosphere, the graduation ceremony concluded successfully. It's hoped that all the senior three students shall pass the exam smoothly, and the triumphant news shall keep pouring in!